Understanding Exposure

Are you looking to learn how to use your new dSLR camera, or just looking for a way to improve your photos by taking control of the manual settings on your camera?

It seems like not a day goes by without a new camera announced, offering some advanced, high-tech features that make it better than its predecessor. Cameras these days can automatically take a picture when all the subjects of a portrait are smiling or take a rapid succession of nearly identical photos so you can later choose which is the best. Even the most basic models can create stunningly good photos of nearly any subject in fully automatic mode. However, sometimes auto mode is not enough, and you’ll want to take full creative control. That desire won’t necessarily mean you’ll need the greatest camera out there, but it will mean you need a solid understanding of elements of exposure. There’s no better resource available today than Bryan Peterson's book, “Understanding Exposure”.

Having sold over 350,000 copies worldwide, “Understanding Exposure” is considered by many photographers to be the preeminent book on the topic. It has found its way into not only the homes and studios of many professionals, but is often included as required reading in photography classes in high schools and universities.

Understanding Exposure” takes all the basic concepts of proper exposure, things that at first glance might look like scientific formulas, and presents them in an easy-to-understand format that offers helpful tips to everyone from the beginning photographer to the professional who simply wants to brush up on his technical skills. By breaking down the concept of proper exposure into its individual components, Bryan Peterson makes understanding it easier, letting the reader digest one idea at a time before bringing them all together to drive the concept home.

Bryan Peterson takes readers on a journey of understanding, starting out with an explanation of proper exposure, and clearly defining the concept and the components: shutter speed, aperture and ISO in an easy to understand manner. Getting the right balance of these three elements is known as The Exposure Triangle. In the book, each component receives an in depth inspection, and the reader is presented with the ways that each part will affect the final exposure, as well as other technical and creative considerations for the shot. The book continues with an exploration of light, including lots of large photos to help illustrate various lighting concepts.

History of Editions

Understanding Exposure” was first published in 1990, and has sold consistently ever since. With the advent of the digital SLR and growing numbers of affordable, advanced cameras available, the book has managed to always find an audience. 350,000 copies and over 20 years later, the book is still a hot seller, garnering many 4 or 5-star reviews and often near the top of the best-selling list for any store that carries it.

While it was written before the world knew what a digital camera even was, the science of photography doesn't change, making the information contained in the book immune to obsolescence. Still, Peterson has updated the book, now in its 3rd edition, for the growing digital audience. The new edition will discuss digital technology and the new abilities it affords photographers, such as previously unattainable ISO speeds and the ability to create High Dynamic Range images. Dozens of new images and an entirely new chapter will help illustrate these concepts for the reader.